One day, the hare laughing at the tortoise for his slowness, was challenged by the tortoise to first to find race. The hare, a notorious first-to-find hound was looking on the whole affair as a great joke, consented, and the fox-n-geese were selected to act as umpires and hold the stakes.
The rivals started and the hare soon left the tortoise far behind along the trail. Having come midway to the cache, he began to get signal bounce so he started to play about, nibbling the young herbage and taking all kinds of silly way points with his GPS unit.
The day being warm, he even thought he would take a nap in a shady spot, as if the tortoise could ever pass him while he slept! He could easily overtake him again before he reached the cache.
The tortoise meanwhile plodded on following his magnetic compass on his GPS unit, unwavering and unresting he bushwhacked, straight toward the cache.
The hare, having overslept, awoke from his nap, and was surprised to find that the tortoise was nowhere in sight! Off he went at full speed down the trail, but on reaching the cache all he found was the tortoise's signature in the logbook... the FTF prize geocoin was gone.
All that was left in the cache for trade was a used golf ball, a couple of opened mctoys, a hot wheel missing one wheel, some faded stickers, some broken computer hardware and a couple of really cheap plastic animals that looked gnawed on. The moral of the story is... don't wait to buy your coins, or they will all be sold out!
Each coin is trackable on Geocaching.com and has its own icon.
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